Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 2

Day 2 did not go as planned. I woke up at 3 am with a migraine. I think that migraine lingered because I felt weird all day. Anyway...

Breakfast- I made a smoothie with almond milk, flax seed, chia seed, kale, spinach, peaches, and mango. I make my smoothies large and put them in two cups. I drink one on the way to work, and the other at lunch time. Yesterday I drank both throughout the morning.

Lunch- I took leftovers from the night before but just didn't think I could do it so I went to Moe's and got an Earmuffs bowl. There is some slight cheating involved with Moe's bowls- the guac has tomatoes (I pick them out as best as I can), some of the ingredients have soybean oil, and there is pepper in the seasoning I'm sure. I get rice, black beans, chicken, lettuce, cucumber, and cilantro. Yesterday's was heavy on the cucumber and light on the rice, beans, and chicken. Not what I wanted at all! Anyway, I ate it and felt a little better.

After work I went to the store to get frozen fruit, Boar's Head turkey, and almond milk. I also got some gluten free wraps that are good. They have some potato starch and probably something else technically not allowed, but I am making some concessions. I also got a coke because I was feeling so sick, just in case. By the time I got in the car and felt horrible, which led to eating something I should not have, but was not horrible...

Snack- tortilla chips from Moe's. I had gotten them with my bowl and was going to give them to my parents. As I was driving home and feeling so bad, I felt the need to eat and they were right there. By the time I got home, I felt so bad I managed to put the things in the fridge and freezer, take some Advil with some coke, and hide my eyes and ears under blankets on the couch. I fell asleep after about an hour (which is when I was going to let myself take a migraine pill). When I woke up, I felt much better.

Dinner- Boar's Head turkey and mustard in one of the wraps. Loaded with turkey, I thought maybe I needed protein.

So, overall a very weird day. I ate a food I shouldn't have and drank some coke, but since I felt so weird I don't feel too bad about it. I think I must have been having some neurological migraine symptoms.

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